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PRESS RELEASE: EWAA Hotels participates in WTM London 2018!

EWAA Hotels participates in World Travel Market London 2018, the leading global event for the travel industry, to drive future business initiatives and meet travel industry professionals.

Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Release: November 2018 (For immediate Release)

EWAA Hotels participates in World Travel Market London held from 5-7 November 2018 to grow and promote its business world-wide.

The strong delegation was led by Mr. Ibrahim Dosseri, Vice President at EWAA Hotels. He said, “Our participation in this travel show helped us to define some business strategies by meeting industry professionals. It was a great opportunity to represent our country tourism abroad and a wonderful experience full of ideas and innovation. This participation was a major step to drive our future initiatives and grow our business to serve great hospitality to our valued and respectful guests.”

EWAA Hotels displayed its innovative stall at the show where the main theme was blue-and &ndashwhite, exhibiting its brand identity. Goody-bags were distributed to the visitors which contained company profile and hotel brochures. EWAA Hotels was successful in attracting visitors&rsquo attention towards itself and gained recognition at the show. It is believed that by promoting our company with such unique ideas, active participations and an inspiring history of serving for more than 30 years in hospitality, we will have a considerably more powerful impact in the industry and it will open our doors to national and international opportunities.